Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery - Patient Guide

Posted January 15, 2024

Some of the first signs of aging that are noticeable around the eyes are the formation of wrinkles and dark circles. Cosmetic eyelid surgery is able to reduce the signs of aging and give a patient a more youthful look to the eyes. Cosmetic eyelid surgery can be performed on the upper eyelids and/or lower eyelids in order to enhance their appearance. In this article, we will discuss cosmetic eyelid surgery and the way it is able to rejuvenate the look of the eyes and give a person an increased amount of self-confidence.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery – Blepharoplasty Explained

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery – Blepharoplasty ExplainedCosmetic eyelid surgery, AKA blepharoplasty, is able to remove excess skin from the upper eyes as well as address any issues with the muscle and skin below the eyes.

In upper blepharoplasty, the upper eyelids can be treated for aesthetic reasons (such as reducing any signs of aging) and functional reasons (to improve the vision of a person who has skin that is overhanging and blocking their vision).

Lower blepharoplasty is able to treat “bags” under the eyes which is fat that is protruding under the eyes along with wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin that causes the lower eyelid to move away from the eyeball and expose more of the white section located below the iris. Lower blepharoplasty is able to enhance the appearance of eyes that look puffy or tired by tightening the skin located around the eyes.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery – Ideal Candidates Revealed

An ideal candidate for cosmetic eyelid surgery is a person with eyelids that are droopy or baggy. The skin can be droopy on the upper eyelids, or it can droop enough in the lower eyelids that the white of the eyes starts to show.

In addition, an ideal candidate can be a person with enough excess skin on the upper eyelids that their vision is blocked. If the person has an upper eyelid that droops over the eyes, this condition is known as ptosis and can be treated with cosmetic eyelid surgery.

Before a person is classified as an ideal candidate for cosmetic eyelid surgery, the doctor will need to examine the eyes to make sure there are not any conditions such as dry eyes or glaucoma that can cause complications during a procedure.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery – How it is Performed

At the beginning of upper blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision in the upper eyelid crease of each eyelid in order to remove excess skin that is causing the eyelid to droop or negatively impact the vision of the patient. The doctor will leave enough skin in the treated area for the patient to be able to normally close the eyelid. The surgeon might need to remove some of the fat in the area to improve both the vision of the person and the aesthetic appearance of the eyelid. The incision will be closed at the end of the procedure through the use of sutures.

During lower blepharoplasty, an incision is created in the natural crease under the eyelid so the surgeon can remove excess skin and fat to reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes and also lessen any type of “puffy look” under the eyes. In addition, the doctor can tighten any underlying muscles that might be causing a droopy look as well as address any hollows through fat transfer or the injection of fillers. Once the desired changes have been made, the incision will be closed with sutures.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery – Downtime and Recovery Information

The amount of downtime and recovery that is needed after eyelid surgery depends on the type of eyelid surgery that was performed as well as the individual patient. The recovery time for lower eyelid surgery is ten to fourteen days. On the other hand, the recovery time for upper eyelid surgery recovery can take around six weeks.

In general, the first week will include some swelling and puffiness around the eyes that can last seven to ten days. Any incisions will be pink and visible, and the eyelids might feel numb for around seven days. In order to reduce any swelling around the eyes, patients can wear cold compresses on their eyes for the first few days after surgery.

It is normal for patients to take seven to fourteen days off work to recover and rest. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least two weeks in order to prevent the increase of blood flow to the eyes.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery – Is it Covered by Insurance?

If a procedure is being performed for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons, insurance will likely not cover the treatment as it will usually be classified as not being medically necessary. If the surgery is being performed for a medical reason such as improving any vision problems caused by a droopy or sagging eyelid, insurance might cover the cost of the treatment.

Patients are advised to contact their insurance company in advance of having any type of cosmetic eyelid surgery in order to get a full explanation of whether or not their treatment of choice will be covered by insurance.

- MA


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